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Download stats for software package biomformat

Data as of Mon. 16 Sep 2024

biomformat home page: release version, devel version.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2024 back to 2015 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 5776 9708
Feb/2024 5368 8077
Mar/2024 6305 8943
Apr/2024 6008 8720
May/2024 6080 9624
Jun/2024 5666 8693
Jul/2024 5155 7618
Aug/2024 4432 6581
Sep/2024 2765 4067
Oct/2024 0 0
Nov/2024 0 0
Dec/2024 0 0
all/2024 38000 72031


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 3973 7324
Feb/2023 4425 7645
Mar/2023 5361 9010
Apr/2023 5086 8979
May/2023 5478 9248
Jun/2023 4744 7912
Jul/2023 4373 6172
Aug/2023 4671 6665
Sep/2023 4853 6751
Oct/2023 5335 7540
Nov/2023 6320 9282
Dec/2023 5260 7645
all/2023 47858 94173


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 3761 6651
Feb/2022 3702 6560
Mar/2022 4495 6905
Apr/2022 4451 6604
May/2022 4407 7753
Jun/2022 4058 6894
Jul/2022 3768 6803
Aug/2022 3940 7026
Sep/2022 4303 7510
Oct/2022 4559 7976
Nov/2022 5943 9576
Dec/2022 3932 6290
all/2022 42678 86548


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 3392 5423
Feb/2021 3153 5333
Mar/2021 4342 6944
Apr/2021 4119 6424
May/2021 3928 6008
Jun/2021 4062 6240
Jul/2021 3569 5519
Aug/2021 3576 5506
Sep/2021 3687 5596
Oct/2021 3973 6785
Nov/2021 4306 7572
Dec/2021 3485 6430
all/2021 38305 73780


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 2865 4112
Feb/2020 3142 5723
Mar/2020 3406 5115
Apr/2020 3469 4858
May/2020 3422 4854
Jun/2020 3128 4515
Jul/2020 3193 4549
Aug/2020 2683 3942
Sep/2020 3176 8055
Oct/2020 3389 5155
Nov/2020 3752 5863
Dec/2020 3068 5000
all/2020 32451 61741


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 3177 5098
Feb/2019 3024 4824
Mar/2019 3033 4886
Apr/2019 3252 5017
May/2019 3374 6462
Jun/2019 2823 4194
Jul/2019 2665 3929
Aug/2019 2421 3751
Sep/2019 2710 3924
Oct/2019 2999 4467
Nov/2019 3103 4672
Dec/2019 2398 3403
all/2019 27363 54627


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 1734 2321
Feb/2018 1724 2443
Mar/2018 1947 2705
Apr/2018 2080 2985
May/2018 2510 3793
Jun/2018 2171 3240
Jul/2018 2039 3196
Aug/2018 1921 2872
Sep/2018 2035 3041
Oct/2018 2363 3615
Nov/2018 3114 4753
Dec/2018 2236 3380
all/2018 20590 38344


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 926 1286
Feb/2017 1185 1610
Mar/2017 1373 1778
Apr/2017 1470 2326
May/2017 1550 2103
Jun/2017 1521 2399
Jul/2017 1445 2019
Aug/2017 1287 1762
Sep/2017 1370 2005
Oct/2017 1548 2293
Nov/2017 2080 2986
Dec/2017 1515 2102
all/2017 13986 24669


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2016 10 17
Feb/2016 10 16
Mar/2016 13 24
Apr/2016 36 57
May/2016 575 810
Jun/2016 683 873
Jul/2016 702 1030
Aug/2016 669 852
Sep/2016 675 926
Oct/2016 844 1146
Nov/2016 1041 1334
Dec/2016 866 1101
all/2016 5252 8186


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2015 0 0
Feb/2015 0 0
Mar/2015 0 0
Apr/2015 0 0
May/2015 0 0
Jun/2015 0 0
Jul/2015 0 0
Aug/2015 0 0
Sep/2015 0 0
Oct/2015 0 0
Nov/2015 0 0
Dec/2015 13 19
all/2015 13 19

All years in one file: