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Download stats for software package pathview

Data as of Thu. 13 Feb 2025

pathview home page: release version, devel version.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2025 back to 2013 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2025 3733 5240
Feb/2025 1723 2256
Mar/2025 0 0
Apr/2025 0 0
May/2025 0 0
Jun/2025 0 0
Jul/2025 0 0
Aug/2025 0 0
Sep/2025 0 0
Oct/2025 0 0
Nov/2025 0 0
Dec/2025 0 0
all/2025 5298 7496


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 4313 5999
Feb/2024 3946 5383
Mar/2024 5062 6978
Apr/2024 5110 7117
May/2024 4376 6110
Jun/2024 4379 6310
Jul/2024 4710 6313
Aug/2024 4227 5706
Sep/2024 4603 6275
Oct/2024 4750 6328
Nov/2024 4973 6963
Dec/2024 4201 5793
all/2024 43945 75275


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 3167 4253
Feb/2023 3793 4985
Mar/2023 4775 6304
Apr/2023 4292 5713
May/2023 4619 6290
Jun/2023 4018 5351
Jul/2023 3865 5018
Aug/2023 3603 4691
Sep/2023 3676 4899
Oct/2023 4292 5629
Nov/2023 5113 6909
Dec/2023 4398 5796
all/2023 40170 65838


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 3298 4485
Feb/2022 3347 4482
Mar/2022 4180 5333
Apr/2022 4040 5114
May/2022 4209 5573
Jun/2022 4104 5812
Jul/2022 4046 5346
Aug/2022 4136 5357
Sep/2022 4836 6505
Oct/2022 4311 5692
Nov/2022 5091 6945
Dec/2022 3203 7796
all/2022 39825 68440


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 4058 5883
Feb/2021 3479 5150
Mar/2021 4587 6961
Apr/2021 4522 7138
May/2021 3928 5442
Jun/2021 3816 5327
Jul/2021 3580 5000
Aug/2021 3223 4325
Sep/2021 3421 4784
Oct/2021 3528 4840
Nov/2021 3946 5338
Dec/2021 3152 4181
all/2021 37562 64369


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 2672 4239
Feb/2020 3382 5648
Mar/2020 3958 6374
Apr/2020 4087 6491
May/2020 4388 6826
Jun/2020 3605 5752
Jul/2020 4087 6681
Aug/2020 3895 6197
Sep/2020 3917 5684
Oct/2020 4191 6198
Nov/2020 3999 6108
Dec/2020 4230 6518
all/2020 38966 72716


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 3330 5155
Feb/2019 3462 5317
Mar/2019 3604 5560
Apr/2019 3131 5182
May/2019 3381 7448
Jun/2019 2849 6449
Jul/2019 2898 6347
Aug/2019 2712 4234
Sep/2019 2794 4497
Oct/2019 3065 4965
Nov/2019 3374 5336
Dec/2019 2844 4536
all/2019 28898 65026


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 1736 2995
Feb/2018 2100 3297
Mar/2018 2224 4048
Apr/2018 2226 3928
May/2018 2308 4029
Jun/2018 2024 3417
Jul/2018 2143 3809
Aug/2018 2073 4205
Sep/2018 2082 3548
Oct/2018 2148 3835
Nov/2018 3138 4895
Dec/2018 2203 3259
all/2018 20238 45265


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 1019 1659
Feb/2017 1339 2208
Mar/2017 1865 3105
Apr/2017 1642 2771
May/2017 1865 3066
Jun/2017 1831 3012
Jul/2017 1998 3713
Aug/2017 1814 2991
Sep/2017 1545 2599
Oct/2017 2138 3388
Nov/2017 2374 3789
Dec/2017 1767 2788
all/2017 15675 35089


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2016 883 3093
Feb/2016 954 3152
Mar/2016 1075 3715
Apr/2016 1100 2893
May/2016 1140 1876
Jun/2016 1086 1886
Jul/2016 993 1675
Aug/2016 907 1392
Sep/2016 873 1397
Oct/2016 1076 1850
Nov/2016 1235 1957
Dec/2016 1128 1919
all/2016 9777 26805


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2015 648 1184
Feb/2015 611 1206
Mar/2015 709 1446
Apr/2015 731 1322
May/2015 676 1117
Jun/2015 685 1234
Jul/2015 635 1050
Aug/2015 611 1174
Sep/2015 711 1478
Oct/2015 907 1781
Nov/2015 996 3403
Dec/2015 807 3159
all/2015 6649 19554


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2014 493 707
Feb/2014 369 558
Mar/2014 622 915
Apr/2014 629 960
May/2014 581 1012
Jun/2014 735 1045
Jul/2014 704 1046
Aug/2014 645 953
Sep/2014 807 1094
Oct/2014 792 1185
Nov/2014 682 1096
Dec/2014 569 930
all/2014 5744 11501


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2013 0 0
Feb/2013 0 0
Mar/2013 9 13
Apr/2013 121 195
May/2013 230 353
Jun/2013 288 402
Jul/2013 218 307
Aug/2013 238 345
Sep/2013 281 460
Oct/2013 540 821
Nov/2013 536 803
Dec/2013 429 693
all/2013 2229 4392

All years in one file: