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Download stats for software package sva

Data as of Wed. 12 Feb 2025

sva home page: release version, devel version.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2025 back to 2011 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2025 5867 8851
Feb/2025 2711 3837
Mar/2025 0 0
Apr/2025 0 0
May/2025 0 0
Jun/2025 0 0
Jul/2025 0 0
Aug/2025 0 0
Sep/2025 0 0
Oct/2025 0 0
Nov/2025 0 0
Dec/2025 0 0
all/2025 8223 12688


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 6794 18694
Feb/2024 7010 11201
Mar/2024 7741 12591
Apr/2024 7675 12597
May/2024 7898 12252
Jun/2024 6927 11523
Jul/2024 9097 12842
Aug/2024 7896 11204
Sep/2024 7303 10411
Oct/2024 7748 11370
Nov/2024 7318 11076
Dec/2024 6057 8989
all/2024 64189 144750


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 5303 7931
Feb/2023 5519 8103
Mar/2023 7271 11491
Apr/2023 6358 9756
May/2023 6818 10710
Jun/2023 7271 10521
Jul/2023 6326 9693
Aug/2023 7260 10192
Sep/2023 7140 9890
Oct/2023 6382 9294
Nov/2023 7270 11251
Dec/2023 6522 11351
all/2023 58650 120183


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 4591 6686
Feb/2022 4616 6563
Mar/2022 5803 8699
Apr/2022 5903 8729
May/2022 6260 9445
Jun/2022 5531 8043
Jul/2022 6200 8829
Aug/2022 7021 10242
Sep/2022 5709 8354
Oct/2022 5936 8745
Nov/2022 6869 10175
Dec/2022 4664 6699
all/2022 56630 101209


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 4788 9515
Feb/2021 4489 7412
Mar/2021 5794 9132
Apr/2021 5802 9231
May/2021 5163 8060
Jun/2021 5518 8419
Jul/2021 5225 8138
Aug/2021 5250 7675
Sep/2021 4740 7042
Oct/2021 5278 7801
Nov/2021 5608 8499
Dec/2021 4563 6701
all/2021 50295 97625


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 4477 7504
Feb/2020 4913 9041
Mar/2020 5645 9120
Apr/2020 5825 9654
May/2020 6768 10774
Jun/2020 5537 9121
Jul/2020 5168 10315
Aug/2020 4908 9335
Sep/2020 4974 7882
Oct/2020 5419 9054
Nov/2020 5105 8378
Dec/2020 4533 7586
all/2020 51582 107764


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 5511 9010
Feb/2019 4519 7151
Mar/2019 4908 8184
Apr/2019 4773 8309
May/2019 5289 10514
Jun/2019 4652 8526
Jul/2019 4983 8829
Aug/2019 4195 7140
Sep/2019 4268 6690
Oct/2019 4693 8095
Nov/2019 5328 8979
Dec/2019 4176 7046
all/2019 42803 98473


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 3209 5436
Feb/2018 2955 5101
Mar/2018 3412 5500
Apr/2018 3231 5807
May/2018 3772 6948
Jun/2018 3644 6508
Jul/2018 4150 7531
Aug/2018 3718 6837
Sep/2018 3740 6435
Oct/2018 3794 6750
Nov/2018 5100 8585
Dec/2018 3617 5985
all/2018 32872 77423


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 1836 2936
Feb/2017 2038 3439
Mar/2017 2258 3820
Apr/2017 2168 4467
May/2017 2596 4479
Jun/2017 2750 5711
Jul/2017 2665 4648
Aug/2017 2350 4252
Sep/2017 2170 4031
Oct/2017 2515 4507
Nov/2017 3062 5337
Dec/2017 2577 4169
all/2017 21308 51796


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2016 1411 2399
Feb/2016 1459 2386
Mar/2016 1522 2550
Apr/2016 1488 2417
May/2016 1765 2916
Jun/2016 1581 2610
Jul/2016 1596 2647
Aug/2016 1587 2648
Sep/2016 1658 2787
Oct/2016 1957 3149
Nov/2016 2171 3497
Dec/2016 1659 2656
all/2016 14719 32662


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2015 985 2684
Feb/2015 1057 1854
Mar/2015 1409 2240
Apr/2015 1348 2369
May/2015 1498 2296
Jun/2015 1291 2161
Jul/2015 1223 1965
Aug/2015 1153 1860
Sep/2015 1239 1891
Oct/2015 1424 2250
Nov/2015 1525 2401
Dec/2015 1296 2078
all/2015 11471 26049


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2014 633 900
Feb/2014 677 1023
Mar/2014 766 1261
Apr/2014 901 1523
May/2014 1110 1826
Jun/2014 976 1448
Jul/2014 853 1369
Aug/2014 866 1316
Sep/2014 1032 1538
Oct/2014 1098 1758
Nov/2014 1037 1637
Dec/2014 930 1435
all/2014 8025 17034


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2013 324 449
Feb/2013 288 400
Mar/2013 398 649
Apr/2013 462 758
May/2013 505 828
Jun/2013 525 772
Jul/2013 443 651
Aug/2013 438 696
Sep/2013 457 770
Oct/2013 615 1073
Nov/2013 614 958
Dec/2013 476 825
all/2013 4035 8829


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2012 200 280
Feb/2012 195 258
Mar/2012 236 459
Apr/2012 287 512
May/2012 340 508
Jun/2012 291 473
Jul/2012 274 408
Aug/2012 297 520
Sep/2012 247 339
Oct/2012 369 560
Nov/2012 401 525
Dec/2012 305 446
all/2012 2569 5288


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2011 0 0
Feb/2011 0 0
Mar/2011 0 0
Apr/2011 0 0
May/2011 0 0
Jun/2011 0 0
Jul/2011 0 0
Aug/2011 0 0
Sep/2011 0 0
Oct/2011 9 18
Nov/2011 126 182
Dec/2011 154 193
all/2011 254 393

All years in one file: